Can you feel you and your loved one drifting apart? Or maybe you want to seal the unity between two souls. Perhaps you long to reignite a past romance or invite new love into your life.
In this article, you’ll find everything you need to craft a ritual to attract love. We explain what manifestation rituals for love are, who they’re for, and the best love binding ritual kit. Read on to discover more with Moon Brew Magic.
What is a love binding ritual, and who is it for?

A love ritual is an enchanting spell that binds someone to you by inviting new love or strengthening the bond between your current relationships.
You can set the intention to attract new love with a specific person or manifest a romantic relationship with someone who has yet to enter your life. The spell can rekindle a past relationship, such as an ex, or ignite a friendship into romance.
You can also engage in love rituals for couples. Perhaps you and your partner are like passing ships in the night, never spending quality time together. Maybe you want to heal a dispute and enhance communication or spark more passion. A love binding spell for couples can also reinforce an already strong relationship.
The best love binding ritual kit
At Moon Brew Magic, we’ve mindfully curated a love manifestation ritual kit to inspire your ideal romantic relationship. So, what can you expect to find in the best Love Binding Ritual Kit?
Sage & rose smudge stick

Sage cleanses negative energy and creates a spiritually nurturing space. The herb is often associated with wisdom and longevity, setting the foundation for an insightful and long-lasting relationship.
The cleansing power of sage means it must also be paired with intentional energy, which is why our smudge stick has been bound with the power of pink rosebuds. Roses symbolize love, compassion, healing, romantic connection, and increased libido.
Love binding herbs jar

Our love binding herbs jar contains a potent blend of jasmine, rose, cardamon, rosemary, and basil. The white jasmine flower attracts purity and divine love, inviting peace and relaxation. Crushed rose petals reinforce the message of innocent love, while cardamon manifests courage, clarity, and positive energy.
The potent properties of rosemary are yet another symbol of love, and when paired with the enveloping scent of basil, they provide dual protection and safe passage.
Rose quartz crystal

Rose quartz crystals raise the vibrations of love to help channel and intensify your love binding spell. The pale pink gemstone signifies compassion, trust, and inner healing. It also promotes love in its purest form.
Pink & red candles

Our binding spell candles are vibrant pink and red to invite unity and loving energy. A candle ritual for love uplifts the vibrations in the room, amplifying your spellwork and releasing intentions into the atmosphere.
Love binding ritual oil

Our beautiful love attraction oil is infused with herbs to cultivate an abundance of love. The aromatic oil subtly diffuses from lit candles and mixes with the scents of crushed herbs to magnify your spell work. You can also apply the oil directly to your body for manifestation or add a few drops into a tub of warm water for a bath ritual.
How to use a love binding ritual kit

Starting a love binding spell couldn’t be more simple. Follow our how-to steps below to manifest the love you desire using our Love Binding Ritual Kit.
Step 1. Begin the love spell ritual by going somewhere you won’t be disturbed. Take a few moments to breathe and ground yourself before starting.
Step 2. Put both candles on a fire-safe surface (don’t light them yet) and mindfully sprinkle the blend of crushed herbs in a circle around the candles. Place the rose quartz crystal close to you.
Step 3. Anoint the candles with the Love Binding Ritual Oil and apply the oil to the circle of herbs.
Step 4. Ensure you are fully present before lighting the candles. Repeat the easy love binding spell encased in the ritual kit as the candles burn.
Step 5. Once you have finished, snuff out the candles. Bring yourself back to present awareness with deep, slow breaths.
The best time to do a love binding spell

The first or last phase of the lunar cycle is an excellent time to cast a love spell because the energetic atmosphere is more powerful.
New moon love binding ritual
A new moon love binding ritual attracts new beginnings. It’s the perfect time to invite unexpected love into your life and set loving intentions for growth and abundance. Casting the spell for couples during a new moon will help the relationship grow and strengthen.
Full moon binding ritual
A full moon ritual to manifest love is best if you wish to release your feelings from a past relationship. This helps to promote inner healing and make room for someone new. If you are doing a love binding spell for a current relationship, the full moon is a wonderful way to let go of past grievances and appreciate what you have together.
How long does it take for a love binding spell to work?

There is no specific time frame for a love spell to work. It could be as little as 2 weeks, a full lunar cycle, 3 months, or longer. It also depends on the strength of your spell. The more intention you put into the ritual, the more potent your spell.
How do I know if my love attraction spell is working?
There are many signs that a love binding ritual spell is working, and it varies from witch to witch.
Your feelings could shift from a lacking and negative mindset to thoughts of optimism and hope. Your internal monologue may become more compassionate towards yourself and others. You might experience warmth inside you and notice that the feeling attracts positive energy from others.
Another sign is dreams, which is when the manifestations of our subconscious often present themselves. You could see your new love materialize or feel the bond between you and your partner strengthen, which transitions from dreams to reality. You may also become aware of signs that symbolize love.
Reclaim love with Moon Brew Magic

Take love and attraction spells to a new height with our delicately detailed Love Binding Ritual Kit. Manifest compassion, unity, companionship, and romance to bring light and love into your life. Connect to your inner power and be the witch you came here to be with Moon Brew Magic. Get your Love Ritual Binding Kit today.